About the Author

Gwyneth Flack loves guiding people to consciously integrate their intuitive awareness with their gifts, find their own answers, and experience joyful soul-body communication that supports their personal and professional purposes.

She helps people awaken and amplify their intuition, inner laughter, and creativity to improve relationships, experience deeper insight, heal from past experiences, and become grounded while on the go in a nonstop world.

Gwyneth R. Flack, M.A.
Gwyneth R. Flack, M.A.

Gwyneth has been deeply aware of her intuitive and creative abilities since she was a child when she had a near-death experience that expanded her spiritual awareness. She completed advanced trainings in meditation, healing, intuitive development and clairvoyance, for the pure love of it! She cofounded and codirected a center for intuitive development which served the New England area and Canada for ten years. Since 2007, Gwyneth has given thousands of intuitive awareness-based classes and private sessions. Among her students are mental health and healthcare professionals, business entrepreneurs, professors, schoolteachers, artists, leaders, writers, parents, and teens.

Gwyneth’s book and audio book, Limitless: Transform Your Life with Intuition and Creativity will be published this year (book launch date TBA). Read enthusiastic endorsements and early praise here: https://gwynethflack.com/early-praise-for-intuition-healing-and-creativity-book/

As a member of Without Walls, an international community of advanced seers and healers from all backgrounds, she supported others in fulfilling their purposes, each with their own unique skill areas, to improve the conditions of the world. She has also collaborated behind the scenes with colleagues who bring intuitive tools to support children in urban underserved schools.

Gwyneth, born in New Zealand, moved to the United States as a child. She also lived in Asia where she taught and traveled widely and then in the UK where she earned her MA in creative writing. She now loves adventuring with her husband and teenage daughter, Galadriel. Gwyneth co-stewards a diverse forest ecosystem in Vermont with her husband, Matt, where they have an organic maple syrup production and retail business.

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you are here to live

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