Intuitive Awareness Tools for Inner Guidance, Healing, and Joy

Intuitive Awareness Tools for Inner Guidance, Healing, and Joy

7 Class Series on Zoom

Reawaken and experience the ability you’ve always had: Your Intuition.

You can use Intuitive Tools anytime, anywhere to navigate the non-stop complexities of the world and stay joyfully on track with your unique purposes in harmony with self-care. Intuitive Tools help you consciously access your powerful inner guidance, heal past experiences, and be grounded during your busy day.

Your intuition opens your access to valuable inner resources such as high levels of creativity, clear communication, aligned decision-making, and self-knowledge. Conscious intuitive awareness brings clarity with your next steps, and streamlines your time and energy.

Tuning into your intuitive awareness supports you to be present and have greater neutrality, insight and collaboration in your personal and professional life.

Intuitive Tools help you cultivate your sense of humor during each step of your multitasking day, bringing adaptability and wellbeing to your daily life.

In this 4-class series on zoom taught through creative visualization, you’ll practice simple Intuitive Tools to use anytime, anywhere so you can:

  • Experience your intuition as a conscious communication tool for tuning into your inner guidance in the midst of your busy day, accessing clear decision-making, self-care, new creative solutions, and organizational flow.

  • Reconnect with your personal power to create more harmony, maintain your sense of humor, and experience more presence.

  • Set your positive intention for the day using simple energy tools.

  • Find more joy, and experience being grounded in each moment of your day.

  • Create healthier relationships with clearer communication and more neutrality, so you have more dynamic and successful outcomes.

  • Leave work energized and make the daily transition from your workplace to family or friends with greater ease.

  • Heal and release past experiences, stress, or areas where you get emotionally triggered.

This class meets on Zoom.

Teacher: Gwyneth Flack, MA.

Enrollment: Open to all

Time: 6:00-7:00 PM EST Mondays and Tuesdays
Each class is 1 Hour

May 7, 2024
May 14, 2024
May 28, 2024
June 4, 2024
July 15, 2024
July 22, 2024
July 29, 2024

Class tuition: $300

Tuition includes: all classes (7 hours class-time) and an audio download of each class in case you miss one, and to practice through relistening.

Each of these seven classes builds on the next class.

Registered students will receive a $35 discount on 1-hour private intuitive sessions with Gwyneth while they are enrolled in this course!

Questions? Email Gwyneth

This series is ideal for anyone seeking self-healing tools that increase your intuitive abilities. Many mental health professionals, parents, health care professionals, holistic health practitioners, teachers and educators, business owners, artists, managers, and college students (to name a few) have benefited from this class in their work and personal lives.


Gwyneth suggested the Intuitive Tools course to me when she heard me describing recurring migraines. I know now that her intuition read that I was suffering from anxiety that was manifesting as visual disruptions and pain. The class surprised me with its healing effect. I often left class as if on a cloud, feeling calm and peaceful in ways I hadn’t before experienced. I immediately put the tools to use, my migraines stopped and I found myself more present at work and home, this shift was noticeable to those around me.

I continued the coursework and it has changed my life. I have turned to Gwyneth when making important career decisions to help me tap into my own intuition. I have found the processes and insights are tremendously helpful when faced with a complicated choice.

I would recommend this learning to any human, no matter their mindfulness practice, experience meditating, or where they stand on the “out there” meter for being open-minded about healing and the power of the mind.


Thanks to your course, I took a quantum leap in my professional life: I cleared out some subconscious limitations which changed the way I relate to my work, and this is letting me expand my reach, feel more expansive, and generally recalibrate on a lot of levels. I’ve been experiencing a physical and spiritual shift in my whole way of being in the world. Thanks for making this growth so accessible to integrate into my life. I can’t imagine a better time to have these intuitive practices in the world than right now!


The tools and practices Gwyneth teaches are life-changing. She has a gift for making these fun and accessible for people wherever they are on their paths, from life-long spiritual seekers to the most logic-based left-brained analytical thinkers.

I highly recommend Gwyneth’s classes for anyone interested in a different approach to meeting the challenges and circumstances we experience in everyday life with more joy and peace.


I took your course in 2009 and loved your “intuitive toolbox.” This has stuck with me all these years, and still comes to mind whenever I need to use one of these tools:  I remember to look in my toolbox, and there it is… exactly the lesson that I need to remember in that moment. All the hammers, pliers, and screwdrivers I had way back then have since been lost, broken, or loaned out and forgotten, but the tools I gained from your course are still right here in my very own intuitive toolbox. So, thank you for that! And congratulations on publishing your book this year!


Just a little happy feedback since I’m loving the course and my life is drastically improving! Examples:

– A neighbor was hostile with another and I found neutrality and protection and set space on the block.  I used your tools to help transform divide and conquer energy into a space where people could communicate in a better way.

– The teachings helped as I cared for my dear 100 year-old friend who passed 2 weeks ago. Very peaceful and beautiful family experience.

– I share a lot from your classes with my partner now, whose consciousness is shifting greatly too. Our love is very high vibe and healing!

– I go on runs and listen to your recordings so your voice is with me often. I like the woods runs/walks with the recordings so much that I’m inspired to find a way to share some of these tools with other nurses.


Reconnect to your intuition.
Embrace life. Manifest joy.