What Clients Say

Gwyneth suggested the Intuitive Tools course to me when she heard me describing recurring migraines. I know now that her intuition read that I was suffering from anxiety that was manifesting as visual disruptions and pain. The class surprised me with its healing effect. I often left class as if on a cloud, feeling calm and peaceful in ways I hadn’t before experienced. I immediately put the tools to use, my migraines stopped and I found myself more present at work and home, this shift was noticeable to those around me.

I continued the coursework and it has changed my life. I have turned to Gwyneth when making important career decisions to help me tap into my own intuition. I have found the processes and insights are tremendously helpful when faced with a complicated choice.

I would recommend this learning to any human, no matter their mindfulness practice, experience meditating, or where they stand on the “out there” meter for being open-minded about healing and the power of the mind.


Thanks to your course, I took a quantum leap in my professional life: I cleared out some subconscious limitations which changed the way I relate to my work, and this is letting me expand my reach, feel more expansive, and generally recalibrate on a lot of levels. I’ve been experiencing a physical and spiritual shift in my whole way of being in the world. Thanks for making this growth so accessible to integrate into my life. I can’t imagine a better time to have these intuitive practices in the world than right now!


The tools and practices Gwyneth teaches are life-changing. She has a gift for making these fun and accessible for people wherever they are on their paths, from life-long spiritual seekers to the most logic-based left-brained analytical thinkers.

I highly recommend Gwyneth’s classes for anyone interested in a different approach to meeting the challenges and circumstances we experience in everyday life with more joy and peace.


I have taken several courses with Gwyneth and have found the tools I’ve learned in the classes to be very healing and helpful in daily life. I have learned to manage my energy better through grounding and clearing my space, and to trust myself more. This has improved my clairvoyant reading skills, but also helps me understand myself better and helps me make more aligned decisions as I take my next steps. I will continue to take more courses with Gwyneth because I’ve found that there are so many layers to the material, every class is always a new experience for me.


Each day has offered new opportunities to release pictures around all the areas of my life where creativity has been blocked. In addition, this work has shifted my perceptual awareness; things look a little different, like I have a big scope on things. The creative problem-solving comes from everywhere instead of a narrow perspective. It’s super cool. Thanks! Really enjoying ‘seeing’ this one play out!


I can’t say enough about how much you have helped me to powerfully experience what it means to be grounded in my body and present on a daily basis. The grounding and other intuitive tools are making it much easier to have my space around other people. There were places, people, and situations that I used to avoid or just get overwhelmed by, but now I can easily ‘show up,’ and have freedom to be authentic. The practices I’ve learned are useful in countless ways in my professional life, with my kids and family, and with being more intuitively aware about myself and others. I notice when I start to carry energy and problems that are not my own (love your exercise on that). So many relationships improved when I learned to tap into my own ability to heal myself through these intuitive practices.


I took your course in 2009 and loved your “intuitive toolbox.” This has stuck with me all these years, and still comes to mind whenever I need to use one of these tools:  I remember to look in my toolbox, and there it is… exactly the lesson that I need to remember in that moment. All the hammers, pliers, and screwdrivers I had way back then have since been lost, broken, or loaned out and forgotten, but the tools I gained from your course are still right here in my very own intuitive toolbox. So, thank you for that! And congratulations on publishing your book this year!


Your classes have opened up exciting new insights about myself and my path in life. It’s now much easier to implement my goals, and not get sidelined by distractions. I love your creative and grounded teaching style and sense of humor. You have so much wisdom to share in a way that’s accessible and applicable in my life. You should write a book. . . Ha ha! Kudos to you!


Thank you so much for doing all this work (period, of course, but also with me.) I get all teary-eyed when I think about the place I was in when your flier landed on my desk all those years ago, and I started working with you. It has been an amazing ride, and I am ever grateful for you and your commitment to this work and putting it out into the world.


The clairvoyance course I took with Gwyneth has shown me different levels of being, from the basics of grounding, to an in-depth exploration of our chakras and auras, advanced reading and healing, and akashic records. Gwyneth has opened my spiritual journey, expanding my experience of growth, refocusing and calibrating my spiritual lens. She has guided me to view my experiences and interactions with an enlightened mindset.

Every class begins with a grounding and a spiritual cleanse of reclaiming your energy. I’ve taken these classes for 2 years now and made it a habit to begin my day with a solid grounding. Thank you Gwyneth for everything I have learned from you. I definitely recommend this for anyone who wants to trust themselves more and wants to hone their natural ability of intuitive knowing and seeing.


Just a little happy feedback since I’m loving the course and my life is drastically improving! Examples:

  • A neighbor was hostile with another and I found neutrality and protection and set space on the block.  I used your tools to help transform divide and conquer energy into a space where people could communicate in a better way.
  • The teachings helped as I cared for my dear 100 year-old friend who passed 2 weeks ago. Very peaceful and beautiful family experience.
  • I share a lot from your classes with my partner now, whose consciousness is shifting greatly too. Our love is very high vibe and healing!
  • I go on runs and listen to your recordings so your voice is with me often. I like the woods runs/walks with the recordings so much that I’m inspired to find a way to share some of these tools with other nurses.

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