gwyneth cross country skiing

Imagine you’re completing a work task you find tedious, cleaning your house after work when you’re tired, or postponing a creative project so you can help a loved one: even though you’re 100% willing, simultaneously, you’re thinking about something else you’d rather be doing, instead of what you’re actually doing? 

It’s like that old bumper sticker: “I’d rather be fishing”

One way that we can unintentionally divide ourselves from our clear-seeing intuition and creativity is by traveling off in our minds to anywhere but right where we are in the moment. Split into two parts like that, we diminish the power and creativity of the moment we’re in because we are neither here nor there!

Yet something amazing transforms when you choose fully whatever it is that you are doing and ground yourself in the present. This is you, fully showing up, and it’s a state of being that creates more space.

It doesn’t mean that you’re just there in body, it means you’re all there: heart, mind, and spirit. 


We think of “commitment” as external

But this kind of inner commitment is really to yourself. It creates more space for you to enthusiastically multitask in your mind while also being fully present for the task at hand. This supports your intuitive awareness, streamlines your time and energy, and can help you feel happier. 

That effortless creative multitasking in your mind prepares you for the moment when you do get to dive into that postponed creative project, valuable next step on your life journey, or ‘fun stuff’ in your life.  

I find that when I shift into that “fully with” state of being, all kinds of new ideas, useful insights, solutions, or fresh ways to communicate rise up and blossom within my mind. I often need to grab a pen and paper or use my voice notes so I can excitedly jot down my thoughts on the go.

Later on, when I have a quiet moment to myself, I meditate on what showed up and ask for more intuitive guidance. Other times, I act upon the useful information I received, immediately taking my next steps.

This is how I’ve managed to complete a book on intuition while engaged in my rotating multitude of hats that I wear, including an intuitive teacher and reader, a maple syrup business co-owner, and a mom + non-stop-after-school-activities-chauffer – just to name a few. I’m sure you all have your own endless list of different hats, too! All of my jobs benefit when I create enough space to receive.


And just so you know…

This is always a work in progress, so it never needs to be perfectly done!

What I’ve intuitively observed is that when we step into our lives with “both feet fully planted on the same side,” we increase our joy, creativity, and intuitive insights — supporting our forward momentum and allowing us to streamline the fulfillment of our deeper purposes in greater harmony with our daily tasks and roles.  



Although I kept sliding backward and couldn’t stop laughing, I did manage to get both my feet firmly planted on the same side without getting my skis wet!  

by Gwyneth R Flack, M.A.


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